Saskatoon Engagement: Kelsey & Adam

Kelsey and Adam met while working at "The Dub" in 2011, Kelsey was assigned to teaching Adam how to make a mean Teen Burger... and really the rest is history!  


Now fast forward to 2016 and the proposal story as told by Kelsey:


For Christmas in 2016, Adam organized a scavenger hunt with riddles that sent me to several different locations: where he met my parents, where he met my extended family, where we first met, etc. Each clue came with a present - like a gift card to my favourite restaurant and a framed photo of the streets of Montreal (our favourite city that we have visited together) - and brought me one step closer to the end of the hunt.

The fourth clue was worded to make me believe that I would have to wait until my birthday (February 8th - A WHOLE 5 WEEKS AWAY) to receive the next riddle. So, it came as quite the surprise when I found my final clue on New Year's Eve.

Back in 2013, Adam took me to The Keg in Saskatoon for our first "official" date. Fast forward to 2016 - our friends Nate and Larissa were visiting from Nova Scotia (where Nate was playing football at Acadia University - go Axemen!) for the holidays, and we had plans to all go out to The Keg for supper to celebrate. A few hours before Adam and I were supposed to meet them there, he told me that Nate's mom was making a family supper for them and they wouldn't be able to make it to our double date. We went to the restaurant anyway, and I didn't think much of it since we would be hanging out with them later to play kaiser and ring-in 2017.

When we got to The Keg, we were sat at the exact same table where we had our first date (which I thought was a cool coincidence). I had already decided what I wanted to order by checking out the online menu, so I started looking through the drink menu for several minutes. After some persistent prompting from Adam, I finally opened my food menu to look at "all of the new items they had since last time we came" (liar!). Tucked inside my menu was the fifth and final clue of my scavenger hunt... and a booklet from Peoples describing a diamond ring that I couldn't believe was about to be mine.

Suddenly, Adam was down on one knee and I was ugly crying in the middle of a restaurant that was packed full of people. The staff was in on the whole thing, and the General Manager had been standing by to take pictures of the special moment. This wedding will have been 6 years in the making, and I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else.

For Kelsey & Adam's engagement session this past December they wanted images that represented them as well as this beautiful city!  We started off their session at one of their favourite local pubs, The Yard and Flagon, walked around the Broadway District and then headed to the river area for some beautiful evening magic.  Even though this wedding is not until 2019... I'm seriously SO SO SO excited for Kelsey & Adam's wedding... maybe we'll have to make an appearance at the local "Dub" for some root beer on their wedding day!  Plus seriously, I can not get over Kelsey's smile, she is one very happy lady and I don't blame her... that proposal story melted me heart into a puddle - I'd ugly cry too if I had that kind of proposal.  These two are made for one another!

Hair & Make Up:  Katelyn Greep Makeup